Kindred Organizations

The Child and Nature Alliance of Canada fosters meaningful connections with the outdoors for children and youth. They believe that all children and youth should have the opportunity to play and learn in forests, parks, meadows, and mud puddles. They work to connect children and youth with nature through policy, research, and practice.

Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) is Canada’s only national, bilingual, and charitable network for environmental learning. EECOM works strategically and collaboratively to advance environmental learning.

Ontario Camps Association (OCA) plays an important leadership role in promoting and encouraging children and youth camping in Ontario. The OCA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that draws its membership from camps, outdoor education centres, individuals and like-minded organizations and agencies, all devoted to maintaining high standards for organized camping, and to sharing information and ideas that maintain these standards.

Ontario Society for Environmental Education (OSEE, pronounced “oh see”) is a Subject Association for all educators, both formal and non-formal who are interested in integrating environmental topics into their teaching practice.

Ophea (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association) works to support the health & learning of children in Ontario. They are involved in the creation of the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education (OPASSE), which are the safety standards used for outdoor education in Ontario public schools.

Outdoor Council of Canada (OCC) is a nationally incorporated, non-profit, member-owned organization. The OCC has been founded to encourage, promote, and facilitate safety-oriented outdoor education and recreation programs, along with leadership opportunities, which are accessible to every Canadian.

Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship promotes and supports healthy childhood development, community connection and environmental stewardship through building an early and ongoing relationship with nature.

Take Me Outside is a non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and facilitating action on nature connection and outdoor learning in schools across Canada. Our goal is to encourage schools to extend the learning environment beyond the desk and four walls and to use the great outdoors as part of the regular teaching practice.

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