Moving from words to action: Anti-racism, anti-colonialism and anti-oppression in the outdoor profession and how we can do more
The Ontario Wilderness Leadership Symposium (aka OWLS) is an annual COEO event organized to support the development of emerging wilderness trip leaders in Ontario. This year, OWLS has transitioned to a virtual format and will be focused on the themes of anti-racism, anti-colonialism and anti-oppression in wilderness leadership. OWLS 2021 is being planned for a Friday night and Saturday on April 30th-May 1st. This event will take place online, using Zoom.
OWLS 2021 has received generous financial support from Cabela’s Canada Outdoor Fund.
The event is presented in partnership with CANOPA and Project CANOE.
Participants will be invited to attend a variety of informative workshops, reflective discussion sessions, and networking activities with an incredible group of people. To increase access, registration costs are on a sliding scale: $5 or $25. All ticket proceeds will go towards paying our facilitators for their time, energy, and work. Front line outdoor professionals, with experience or interest in leading wilderness trips are encouraged to participate in this annual professional development event.
OWLS (Virtual Version)
April 30, 2021 - May 1, 2021
6:00 pm - 5:00 pm