Thanks for joining us at Make Peace with Winter ’25!
Thank you to everyone who join us at Camp Kawartha for COEO’s Make Peace with Winter Conference “Winter’s Embrace” this past weekend! Your willingness to embrace connection and be present within your engagements helped make the weekend so meaningful for many. We appreciate the time and effort that it took to attend and engage throughout the weekend!
Your feedback is important to us! Please consider filling out our feedback survey here: It helps us know what worked and didn’t work throughout the weekend. We really appreciate your feedback- it is what makes COEO’s annual conferences continue to grow and improve!
This conference would not have happened without the work of many people who volunteered their time and energy.
Chi-miigwetch to Elder Peter Schuler for sharing his time with us this weekend. As usual, we are grateful for Peter’s stories, words, mentorship, and support. He always offers meaningful truths from the heart. Thank you, Peter.
Chi-miigwech to Knowledge Holder Anne Taylor for joining the conference. We are grateful for our deepening relationship and for the heartfelt calls to awareness for our work. Thank you and we look forward to our ongoing conversations.
Thank you to all of the presenters who shared their expertise and experience with other COEO members. You offered so much to the other attendees of the conference, and we appreciate your time and effort in doing this!
Thank you to our keynote presenter Chris Gilmour for an experience that nurtured our hearts, minds, and souls. Chris offered us an example of years-long inquiry, relationship-building, and co-learning that had us moving, laughing, and crying. Thank you, Chris.
Thank you to the folks from Norval Outdoor School who brought skis so that our Loppet could be the big party that it was. Thank you to Arthur, Tammy, and Madeleine for leading this event. Thank you also to Tammy and Val for leading the energizing Trivia Challenge and Bonnie for leading the Trading Blanket. We appreciate your time and effort in supporting these connection opportunities!
And what a silent auction we had! Thank you to everyone who contributed items and money to the silent auction. We raised over $1200 for the bursary fund. This will let us bring at least 5 people to a COEO conference who may not have otherwise been able to attend. Thank you.
Big thanks also to Kyle Clarke for his administrative support leading up to the conference.
Thank you to the COEO Board members (who were not otherwise on the Conference Committee) who volunteered before and after the conference to make things happen: Bill Schoenhardt, Lee McArthur, Peggy Cheng, and Karen O’Krafta.
Also, a big thanks to the Camp Kawartha staff for being our hosts and keeping us well feed!
And finally, a HUGE thank you to the 2025 MPWW Conference Organizing Committee: Ben Blakey, Madeleine Bray, Hilary Coburn, Tamara Cottle, Devin Mutić, Maria Paterson, Ray Santiago, Angel Suarez Esquivel, Emily Verhoek, and Cassie Wylie. Your hours of care and work before and after the conference made the weekend possible!
Visit COEO on Facebook and Instagram today to like/love, and post your conference photos and videos.
Planning for the COEO annual fall conference will start happening shortly. If you’d like to be part of this conference organizing committee, send an email to
RECEIPTS: If you require an OFFICIAL CONFERENCE RECEIPT and haven’t yet received one, please email to request one. We will try our best to send these out to people right away.
CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION: If you require an OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION, please also email to request one by Friday, February 21st, 2025.
Thank you all and we hope you are feeling winter’s beautiful embrace!
Kim Barton, Kim Squires & Star Ruttan
COEO Make Peace with Winter 2025 Co-Chairs
Pathways – Call for Submissions

Calling for all memories of Bert Horwood! A special issue of Pathways will be created to honour Bert Horwood’s contributions to both COEO, and the outdoor and experiential education field in general. Please send any potential article, picture, memories (both short or long), reviews of his publications and how they influenced your work and shaped your educational philosophy or simply keep on lingering in your mind. Bert could be a real trickster and we plan to make this tribute issue reflect this man and his amazing influence on the field we all work in. Due date for submissions and artwork is December 1st. Please send all potential contributions to with “Bert Horwood” in the subject line.
Future of COEO Survey
We want to make sure that COEO grows and changes with the needs of the outdoor education community. Please share this anonymous survey with anyone you know who works in outdoor education. We want to hear from both COEO members and folks who aren’t members so that our growth and change can better support people in outdoor education. Thank you for supporting COEO to grow and evolve. Link to the survey:
Congratulations to Grant Linney!
Last month, esteemed COEO member Grant Linney, was the worthy recipient of a King Charles III Coronation Medal, presented by Hamilton MP Filomena Tassi. This award was presented in recognition of his environmental work (e.g., climate change; Blue Dot) as well as his advocacy for outdoor and environmental education. Grant was one of an impressive array of well deserving recipients at the ceremony.

Environmental Education Survey, Canadian Wildlife Federation
The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) has commissioned Abacus Data, a public opinion and market research firm, to conduct a confidential survey about environmental education across Canada. We would greatly appreciate you filling out the survey and/or sharing it with your colleagues! As part of our WILD Education network, and incredible ambassadors for environmental education across the country, we value your feedback and appreciate any insights you can provide to help us shape the direction of our education programs in the years ahead.
This survey aims to better understand and meet the needs of in-service teachers when it comes to environmental education. We hope to learn about current level of interest in teaching environmental topics, identify the barriers in bringing these teachings into classrooms, and explore the types of support that would best help overcome these challenges.
We know classrooms can be a gateway to nature, so please help us understand how we can best support teachers in enhancing environmental education opportunities for students across Canada!
English à
Thank you in advance for your time
Significant Outdoor Life Experiences Research Study, Laurentian University
Canadian Researchers (Jonah D’Angelo, Dr. Stephen Ritchie, Dr. Bruce Oddson, and Dr. Simon Priest) are conducting a study to explore how significant outdoor life experiences shape the life course of Canadians. We’re seeking outdoor professionals, educators, and students to participate in a brief 10–15-minute questionnaire that will help us understand the long-term impact of these meaningful experiences.
All responses are confidential and anonymous. Before the questionnaire, you will be presented with an informed consent process with detailed information about the study. Please join us in shedding light on the profound role of the outdoors in personal and professional growth!
Thank you in advance for your contribution!
New OUTSIDEPLAY Tool for Elementary School Teachers!
OUTSIDEPLAY is excited to announce the launch of a new free educational tool made by teachers for teachers who want to take their classrooms outdoors! Find it at:
This tool is the newest addition to our suite, joining existing parent and early childhood educator tools. It is the result of years of practical hands-on experience and the PhD thesis work of Megan Zeni, a teacher who teaches exclusively outdoors. She worked with teachers across BC and Canada to develop the material. The development of the tool was funded by the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation.
The 16 modules cover topics that teachers most want to know about, ranging from the basics of outdoor play and learning in schools to practical tips on getting started. We’ll continue to build out the tool with additional resources. We’re planning a speaker weries to dive deeper into the concepts introduced in each module.
For any questions or more information, reach out to our team at Also, please follow us on Instagram @playoutsideubc for regular updates and give our posts a thumbs up!
Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Update on Flagship project
Saskatoon, June 11, 2024 – SEPN is thrilled to be sharing the final reports for the Sustainability and Education Policy Network’s flagship project, SEPN-Canada. They hope they will be used by schools, universities, students, educators, and policymakers to help advance transformative approaches to sustainability in formal education in Canada and globally.
Over eight years, SEPN explored the uptake of sustainability in education policy and practice across primary, secondary, and higher education in Canada. This ambitious project led to the creation of a robust international network that continues to make an impact on sustainability and climate change education policy and practice through large-scale comparative education research, including the MECCE Project.
These final reports synthesize SEPN-Canada’s findings from a series of policy analyses, surveys, and site visit case studies on formal education across Canada. Companion reports summarizing policy and practice examples collected through the research are also available on SEPN-Canada’s webpage.
More Winter Courses from Outdoor Learning School & Store!
2025 free Winter Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshops featuring over 20 partners & presenters! ❄️❄️❄️

To register and to see all course details:
Get Kids Paddling – New Webinar Series in 2025!
Watch past recordings of all Get Kids Paddling webinars here: Webinars – Get Kids Paddling
Outdoor Learning Webinars, hosted by LSF
Some of the newest webinar offerings include:
A series of webinars designed specifically for and by secondary teachers
Tips for getting outside even in cold winter months!
Connecting primary and middle school math curriculum to the outdoors
For an up to date list of upcoming webinars, continue to check LSF’s R4R outdoor learning page
Check out the recorded webinar sessions for each grade group:
Kindergarten/Early Years: Webinar recording | Webinar slides
Grades K-6: Webinar recording | Webinar slides
Grades 4-10: Webinar recording | Webinar slides
Ecolinks, May 3, The Guelph Arboretum
Join us at the University of Guelph Arboretum for a day of learning to connect to nature through nurturing joy, wellbeing, and a love of learning in the outdoors! This conference will support educators in building skills and approaches for teaching equitable environmental education but will also provide opportunities for you, as educators to network, build confidence and find supports that may help you on your journey in environmental education.
Registration will open soon!
Multiple positions, Humber Arboretum
Reporting to the Humber Arboretum Outdoor Education Coordinator and the Manager, the incumbent is responsible for supporting all facets of environmental education in the Humber Arboretum. The incumbent will work independently as well as in close collaboration with the Outdoor Education Coordinator and other Arboretum education staff to help realize the Humber Arboretum’s mission aligned with our three strategic pillars of World Ready Citizens, Healthy Communities, and Thriving Nature
Canoe Trip Leaders and Youth Coordinator, Project Canoe
To view postings and to apply:
Outdoor Instructor, Norval Outdoor School
Upper Canada College is looking for a Norval Outdoor Education Instructor. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop experience, be mentored by outstanding seasoned faculty members, and have phenomenal exposure to a top quality educational experience. The position is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs and curriculum at the Norval Outdoor School. A prime focus of the position is to stimulate learning and an appreciation of the environment and the community. The Norval staff team assumes all in-class and
outdoor supervisory duties while students reside at the school, as well as maintaining and developing resources and equipment on site.
Multiple positions, Out to play, Ottawa
Out to Play offers a variety of programs, and so we hire staff with diverse qualifications and lived experiences! Most of our team are Early Childhood Educators or Teachers. We also welcome applications from Child and Youth Workers, Outdoor Educators and Recreational Therapists. What we all have in common is a commitment to re-imagining education to be child-centred and inquiry-driven learning and connecting through play on the land.

Summer 2025 staff, Camp Kirk
Camp Kirk is an overnight camp that empowers neurodivergent children and youth to thrive. We’re looking for enthusiastic, caring individuals to join our team in a variety of roles, from frontline staff to leadership positions. These roles are ideal for students who are passionate about working with children, interested in neurodiversity, or seeking experience in a fun, dynamic outdoor setting.
Highlights of Working at Camp Kirk:
- Meaningful Work: Staff make a tangible difference in the lives of neurodivergent children.
- Skill Development: Gain hands-on experience, leadership skills, and training in neurodiversity support.
- Supportive Community: Be part of a team that values inclusion, relationships, and personal growth.
- Outdoor Adventure: Spend the summer surrounded by nature!
Seafront Activities Coordinator, Pearson College UWC, Victoria
The Seafront Activities Coordinator supports the delivery of student seafront activities and programs by providing logistics and technical support, recreational watercraft maintenance and Safety Vessel operation to activity leaders, instructors, students and other College clientele. The Seafront Activities Coordinator’s role in supporting the delivery of seafront experiential education and other seafront programs is an essential component of the College’s educational mission.
Education Coordinator, Aquatarium, Brockville
Outdoor Educators, The Boundless School, Palmer Rapids
Boundless hires Teachers (either new or slightly used), Mental Health Counsellors (CYCs, CYWs, BSWs and MSWs) and Outdoor Educators to join our merry and sometimes exhausted band of brothers and sisters. All contribute equally to the clumsy educational utopia that we are trying to achieve at Boundless.
By joining our team, you will engage teenagers – sometimes laden with baggage – in high school and wilderness based education. You must be adventurous and resilient. You shall also be facilitating programs for multi-generational and diverse communities. To succeed at this, you must be open-hearted and approachable.
The job takes place on a 600-acre piece of wilderness paradise in the Madawaska Valley of Eastern Ontario. It’s a venue that will seduce your soul.
Ontario Urban Wild Casual Instructor, Outward Bound Canada, Toronto
Outward Bound Canada operates an urban outdoor program in and around the GTA as a complement to our wilderness programming. This program pairs canoeing, backpacking, and urban navigation to provide continuous journeys through the natural spaces in and around our cities.
Find us, friend us, like us, tag us or follow us online:
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
Twitter @COEOoutdoors
For consistency, the COEO electronic newsletter is now published on the first of each month. Anyone having an item of interest to outdoor & experiential educators and desiring publication in this newsletter needs to submit it to at least two days before the publication date.
The newsletter is generally organized according to the following headings: COEO News, Other OEE & Related News, P.D. Opportunities, Opportunities for Students, Resources, Job Postings. If your organization wishes to post information (e.g., notice of upcoming events, etc), it needs to be an organizational member of COEO.
If you would like to be removed from COEO’s eNewsletter mailing list, please send an email to and ask to be unsubscribed.