
It is crucial that COEO work together with other organizations towards common goals. Currently, COEO is supporting:

1) The Canadian Outdoor Summit

This inaugural event is about bringing people together to celebrate our contributions and tackle some key structural challenges affecting all outdoor programs from coast to coast to coast.

This national gathering is aimed at celebrating our contribution to Canadian society and solving key challenges faced by outdoor programs. The Summit will be held in Gatineau, QC, from September 29th to October 2nd, 2020.

This project is a collective effort of the outdoor sector, therefore your perspective and contribution offers tremendous value. More information can be found on the event website: and social media channels. Please follow and share:



Canadian Outdoor Summit Promotional Video

2) The research study entitled, “A review of Outdoor Education Programs in English Secondary Schools in Ontario,” completed by Chris Shibley, current M.Ed. degree candidate in Outdoor Education at the University of British Columbia.

COEO’s partnership with Chris entails supporting his research by offering him access to our membership of outdoor educators through our monthly e-newsletter. His research idea can be seen as a follow up to an early COEO document entitled, Catalogue of Programs and Personnel Sites and Services in Outdoor Education in Ontario, last published in 1992. This research project could help to support and connect outdoor educators, ensuring students for many years to come have access to Canada’s wild spaces.

And COEO is participating in:

Regular meetings of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) Curriculum Forum

Yearly meetings of the Get Kids Paddling group, formed to create opportunities to get more young people into nature through various forms of paddling. We believe that paddling, especially canoeing and canoe tripping, is an integral part of our Canadian culture and heritage and should be accessible to all young Canadians. Find out more at:

As an EcoFair Exhibitor at the annual EcoSchools Conference, being hosted by the TDSB and OISE. Called A New Climate: Environmental Education in Action. This one day conference seeks to provide professional learning in Environmental Education (EE) for TDSB teachers and OISE graduate students as a way to support the important work of the EcoSchools Program. The date of the conference and EcoFair is Saturday, October 26th, 2019, in the OISE Library (252 Bloor St. West).

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