COEO is excited to now be able to share many of its older documents, journals and newsletters in digital format. These archives may be of particular interest to individuals doing research in the field of outdoor and experiential education, those curious about the history of our organization and outdoor education in Ontario (and beyond) or practitioners simply hoping to learn something new. We welcome you to use and distribute the information contained here, but ask that in all cases you ensure the original source is acknowledged and properly credited – enjoy!
Proceedings ’72 – The official proceedings from Outdoor Education Without Boundaries, the 1st International Conference on Outdoor Education, September 28 – October 1, 1972, Dorset, Ontario.
The COEO Newsletter 1971-1977 – This collection of newsletters contains a variety of information including various articles, event related news, forum for discussion, administrative notes, etc. These newsletters have been compiled into one continuous document for ease of downloading.
ANEE (AH-NEE) – Before Pathways there was ANEE. The ANEE News-Journal marks the transition from an organizational newsletter to a practitioner-focused journal. “ANEE is an Obiway word used as a greeting of friendship. It is used as a cordial salutation among friends meeting informally. Outdoor education is a discipline which has at its foundation a desire to live in harmony with the environment; the traditional way of life of our native people cherished this attitude. ANEE is a means of communicating among our members who are scattered across a large province. It is hoped the greeting – ANEE – is felt through these pages.” The ANEE News-Journal was published from 1977 to 1988.
Leading to Share, Sharing to Lead (1979) – In response to membership concerns over certification, this document was developed by COEO’s then Task Force on Adventure Activity. Authored by Bob Rogers, the goal of this book was to inform leaders and administrators of the dimensions of outdoor leadership and to assist them in developing leadership programs relevant to their specific needs.
Catalogue of Programs and Personnel Sites and Services in Outdoor Education in Ontario – Published on three separate occasions (1979, 1986, 1992), the intent of this document was to provide as complete a listing as possible of outdoor education related programs, personnel, sites and services operating in the Province of Ontario. Updated by Chris Shibley in 2019. Catalogue of Programs, Personnel, Sites and Services in Outdoor Education in Ontario 2019 – Chris Shibley
An Inventory of Integrated Curriculum Programmes Employing Outdoor and Experiential Education in Ontario Secondary Schools (1996) – Complied and edited by Bob Henderson, Sona Mehta and Tony Arnott, this document contains detailed descriptions of the ICP programs operating at that time.
Updated by Grant Linney in 2014 as JOURNEYS into RELATION: Vignettes of OEE-based Integrated Curriculum Programs in Ontario Secondary Schools, Teachers Stories, Volume 1
Thanks to the passionate and talented voices of 16 teachers, 1 student, one Faculty of Education Professor Emeritus and one Faculty of Education Instructor, longtime COEO member Grant Linney has compiled and edited a 109-page collection of information, stories and photographs regarding OEE-based Integrated Curriculum Programs across Ontario.